A Best of the Rest of Lana Del Rey Part 3
Just over four months after A Best of the Rest of Lana Del Rey Part 2 we have Part 3 from the ever generous and unique Miss Grant. It is as varied as ever but also generally stranger than parts 1 and 2. Some of it dates back to at least 2010, but it kicks off with two excellent recent covers of songs by Leonard Cohen and then a great duet with her beau on Summer Wine from Lee Hazlewood. The likes of Queen of Disaster and Party Girl are very much poptastic guilty pleasures though the latter has a great set of lyrics. Much of the rest is brilliantly amusing and rather strange with even a bit of Bollywood. Beautiful Player and the Princess Superstar produced gangsta Bond style Golden Grill from 2009 are two of her finest moments. Is it Wrong? could have been on Part 2 but this more recent version is slowed down and works much better, and Hawaiian Tropic takes the chorus of the not so good Every Man Gets His Wish and makes something more substantial. Later on, there are probable Paradise out-takes like Starry Eyed and Angels Forever, which would not be out of place on the extended version of Born to Die. It ends with the gorgeous Black Beauty a demo of a track that is rumoured to be on the upcoming LP. Check it all out via Grooveshark on the Moon below:
MOON ADVERT: Check out A Best of the Rest of Lana Del Rey Part 4
Another Moon Advert - Check out the 107 track A Best of 2016 on The Moon
Update: Sadly Grooveshark has expired so below it is now embedded using the BTNT player as is Part 1 , Part 2 Sparkle Jump Queen and Sirens Extended
Another Update: Part 3 has been been extended to include 4 recentish decent tracks released/leaked that you won't find on Spotify:
the funkay and fun Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight
the lovely but a bit quirky Is This Happiness?
and the short but cool Hanging Around and Wayamaya
Plus there is a new and much-improved version of Strange Love.
It should work on PC, Tablet or Mobile. It does not expand to show all 21 tracks but you can scroll through them and click on each track to play them, and the bottom left had box will play and pause the playlist. If you double click on the timer bar, it will FW or RW.
- Summer Wine
- Motel 6
- Queen of disaster
- stoplight-de-lite
- Beautiful Player
- Television Heaven
- Golden Grill
- Catch and Release
- Maha Maha
- Hawaiian Tropic
- Tired of Singing the Blues
- Is It Wrong
- Starry Eyed
- Angels Forever
- Hollywood
- Strange Love
- Playground
- Black Beauty (Demo)
- Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight
- Is This Happiness
- Hanging Around
- Wayamaya