The Moon is Dead

In 2012 The Moon was born as an experiment in social media integration and it was a time when it was thought that social media was generally a positive thing. How times have changed...

In the meantime, The Moon managed to find an audience, but then mostly lost it along with a cultural correspondent, and now I can't be faffed anymore.

But as long as the likes of Wordpress, Feedly, Pocket and IFTTT allow it to continue, Moonblogsfromsyb will live on.

In recent times it has become a far less automated and numerous and a much more personally curated feed of mostly political articles and this will continue.

But I will also revive the feed for in the same way, so that when I discover new music it can be tagged, or shared directly from Ubend or Spotify via Wordpress.

The music feed will also feed directly into the main Moon Facephook and Twatter accounts.

So Moonblogsfromsyb will be mostly just be me sharing stuff I like directly, which can then be followed by sections and in various ways, but now and then there might be the odd bit of original Moon content...
