Churchillian Ken #TheresaTheAppeaser and Quisling Farage

Like Churchill in the 1930s, Ken Clark now stands virtually alone in a party dominated by appeasers and is regarded as a veteran nearing the end of his political career. 

Both are/were  not infallible with both enjoying success and failure in long political careers. They also became or have become wiser and more moderate with age, unlike most of the baby boomer generation.

Clark was the only Tory to vote against holding the pointless plebiscite and the triggering of Article 50 in Parliament. He was also a lone Tory voice opposing and voting against the invasion of Iraq and managed to not be in parliament, despite being a government minister, for the 2013 vote on intervention against the Assad regime in Syria. Join the dots.

His Alice in Wonderland speech in the Article 50 debate was also comparable to Churchill, he ended it with: 

"I personally shall be voting with my conscience, content in this vote. When we see what unfolds hereafter as we leave the EU, I hope the conscience of other MPs remain equally content.” 

It is not surprising that Theresa May has been called Theresa The Appeaser, the only surprise is that it has taken so long. Not only is she appeasing a xenophobic and isolationist US president but she has a long history of appeasing xenophobic and isolationist sentiment in this country, as Home Secretary and with her plan for Brexit. 

The Tories are very sensitive on this subject and have decided that attack is the best form of defence. Boris Johnson, who recently compared the EU project to Nazism and the French President to a Nazi concentration camp guard, declared it "distasteful to make comparisons between the elected leader of a great democracy and 1930s tyrants. I think it is inappropriate.” 

This is as convincing as Donald Trump decrying fake news.

Nigel Farage has said Marine Le Pen is brilliant and he respects her but not her party because of "its Vichy roots and history of anti-Semitism", but in 1940 it was only the English Channel that prevented the ilk of Farage from becoming Blighty's very own Quislings

They probably would have been backed by The Daily Mail - a "newspaper" that did not just appease fascism in the 30s but openly condoned it and, as is the case today, was openly xenophobic.

I will leave it to Katie Price to have the last word on Farage: “I think the problem with Nige is that his German wife has put up very firm borders around her knickers, and all that sexual frustration has turned him into a racist bigot and a bully.”