Vienna Ditto on the Moon

This is a band I have been checking out for a bit now thanks, as ever, to God Is In The TV. They have released a number of EPs and singles over the last couple of years which have added up to a most interesting collection.

Their album came out recently and although it is very good and without a duff track, it is not quite as good as the songs previously released. I also think this was also the case for the  far more hyped Temples and Wolf Alice, but does mean that all three bands should be able to produce a better second album, as long as they are allowed the time.

Anyhow, below is a playlist of all the tracks they have on Spotify, with the EPs and the singles first and you can find four more tracks for which you can "name your price" on their Bandcamp page.

It is a very impressive and varied collection of self described "Voodo Si-fi Blues" from Reading and God Is In The TV have just published a track by track guide to the album with "wizard Nigel Firth from the trio." 


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